Common Water Issues: Tannin

Understanding Tannin in Water:

Tannins are large molecular weight organic compounds that form through the decomposition of plants and, to a lesser extent, animals. These organics are typically found in surface waters or shallow wells. Tannins fall into two primary categories:

1.      Humic Acid

2.      Fulvic Acid

These are simplified structures of very large molecules, with building blocks including gallic acid, guaiacyl, syringyl, and cresylic moieties. The structure of tannins can vary significantly depending on the local vegetation, leading to different tannin characteristics from one location to another.


Problems Caused by Tannins:

1.      Colour

Tannins can cause a yellow to dark tea colour in water, making it visually unappealing.

2.      Taste and Odour

Tannins can impart an unpleasant taste and odour to water, affecting its palatability for drinking and cooking.


Solutions for Treating Tannins in Water:

Removing tannins from water can be challenging due to their complex nature and variability based on local vegetation. However, there are effective treatment methods available:


1.      Tannin Removal Resin:

Tannin removal resin can effectively remove tannins from water. The efficiency of this method can vary based on the specific tannin structure in a given area, so results may differ.


2.      Reverse Osmosis:

Reverse osmosis (RO) is another effective method for removing tannins. Due to their high molecular weight, tannins are effectively rejected by the RO membrane, ensuring clean and clear water.

Both of these methods can help address the issues caused by tannins in your water supply, providing you with better tasting, odour-free, and visually appealing water.

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