Common Water Issues: Sodium

Understanding Sodium in Water

Sodium is a naturally occurring element that can be found in various water sources. While sodium is essential for human health in small amounts, high concentrations in drinking water can lead to several problems.


Problems Caused by Sodium

1.    Corrosive Action:

High levels of sodium in water can increase its corrosive action, which can damage plumbing systems, water heaters, and appliances, leading to costly repairs and maintenance.

2.    Unpleasant Taste:

Elevated sodium levels can give water an unpleasant, salty taste, making it less palatable for drinking and cooking.

3.    Impact on Ion Exchange Softeners:

Sodium can interfere with the operation of ion exchange softeners, reducing their efficiency in removing hardness from water. This can result in less effective softening and higher maintenance requirements for the softening system.


Solutions for Treating Sodium in Water:

To effectively remove sodium from water, the best method is:


Reverse Osmosis:

Reverse osmosis (RO) is a highly effective treatment process that involves forcing water through a semi-permeable membrane. This process removes sodium ions along with other dissolved solids and impurities, resulting in clean, great-tasting water. RO systems are capable of significantly reducing sodium levels, making the water safe and pleasant for consumption and use.

By using reverse osmosis, you can address the issues caused by high sodium levels in your water supply, ensuring it is safe, clean, and suitable for all your household needs.

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