Common Water Issues: Copper

Understanding Copper in Water:

Copper can enter your water supply primarily through the corrosion of interior household and building pipes. While copper is an essential nutrient in small amounts, high concentrations in drinking water can lead to significant health problems.


Problems Caused by Copper:

1.      Stomach and Intestinal Distress:

High levels of copper in water can cause gastrointestinal issues such as stomach cramps, nausea, and diarrhea.

2.      Wilson’s Disease:

Wilson’s disease is a rare hereditary disorder where the body cannot properly metabolize copper. This condition leads to the accumulation of copper in vital organs, including the liver, brain, and kidneys, causing cirrhosis, organ damage, and psychiatric disorders.


Solutions for Treating Copper in Water:

To effectively remove copper from drinking water, the recommended treatment method is:

Reverse Osmosis:

Reverse osmosis (RO) is a highly effective water treatment process that removes copper ions along with other contaminants. By forcing water through a semi-permeable membrane, RO systems filter out dissolved solids, including copper, ensuring clean and safe drinking water.

Implementing a reverse osmosis system can significantly reduce copper levels in your water supply, protecting your health and ensuring the safety of your drinking water.

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